TKG KNOW: The Wisdom Deficit in Schools

This article appeared in a recent school newsletter as our Resource Of The Week – an article, podcast or video to deepen your knowledge of education news and trends through the TKG Classroom and Community lens.

The Wisdom Deficit in Schools

New education standards emphasize technical reading skills over an appreciation for literature and the deeper values it can instill.  At TKG, we intend to bring students and parents to the fringe of their comfort zones.  Why? Because that is where meaningful growth (ZPD) happens.

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When I was in high school, I chose to major in English in college because I wanted to be wiser. That’s the word I used. If I ended up making lots of money or writing a book, great; but really, I liked the prospect of being exposed to great thoughts and deep advice, and the opportunity to apply them to my own life in my own clumsy way. I wanted to live more thoughtfully and purposefully. (Also, I hoped literature would help me understand girls.) Now I’m a veteran English teacher, reflecting on what’s slowly changed at the typical American public high school—and the word wisdom keeps haunting me. I don’t teach it as much anymore, and I wonder who is. READ the article @TheAtlantic

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