TKG LISTEN: From a Culture of ‘Performance’ to a Culture of ‘Learning’

At TKG, we intend to emphasize the learning…starting with no grades and no testing.  How do you know they are learning, you ask?  Come visit and see for yourself!

Watch, Alfie Kohn via Video at PSP2012 – Click here for more information on CFEEsuccess

“What grade did you get? What did your teacher think?” With reference to these and other “deeply anti-intellectual questions” we often pose to children, Alfie Kohn emphasizes “a single, powerful distinction” — between asking kids to focus on their performance, and asking them to focus on their learning. Kohn examines six consequences of our systemic overemphasis of ‘achievement’ and ‘rigor,’ and invites us to reflect on what practices, at school and at home, predictably contribute to the problem.


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