TKG LISTEN: MIT Welcomes Makers

TKG is part of the “maker movement.”  We create space for exploration, hands-on learning and nurture a playful attitude towards discovery. In our space, tinkering provides the opportunity to build a deep interest in academic learning.  This article was offered as a parent resource in a recent newsletter.Homemade_rocket

MIT Welcomes Makers with New Maker Portfolio
By Dale Dougherty/Makezine

The MIT Admissions Dept is making it possible for young makers to share their projects as part of the application process, starting this year. Dr. Dawn Wendell, Assistant Director of Admissions at MIT, said that a new Maker Portfolio supplement on the MIT Admissions web site will provide a structured way for students to submit information about a diverse set of projects that they have participated in.

“As we see students getting more involved in the Maker Movement, we wanted to give them a more formalized opportunity to tell us about that part of their life and why it’s important to them, ” said Dr. Wendell. MIT already has a supplemental application for Music and Research. Dr. Wendell said that MIT wants to attract students that are “already solving problems and building, playing and creating, engaging in projects that they love doing.” She added that “not all successful students at MIT are makers, but MIT is a welcoming place for makers, or students who want to become makers.” READ THE ARTICLE.

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