Weekly Newsletter #12: Connection First, Commitment Next (Redwoods, Ages 7-9)

Weekly Newsletter #12: Connection First, Commitment Next (Redwoods, Ages 7-9)

Redwoods Togetherness

“Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to the result.”

— Bob Proctor
Make Your End-of-Year Gift NOW


Tending the Garden – New book club starting in Jan
Parent Teacher Tools – We need volunteers who are willing to move their am PT shifts to afternoon
TKG Office – A new before/after-school care session has started
In Education News – The start of anti-intellectualism
TKG TV– Feel it Still!
Listen to TKG’s Playlist on Spotify!

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Connection First, Commitment Next

Community at TKG
Field Day Mission: multi-age learning

It is the end of the first trimester at TKG! We have spent the first three months of the school year getting to know ourselves as learners and also getting to know what interests us and how best we work together. It has been an exciting time of exploration, learning and connecting. What we have learned about ourselves is that it is hard to keep a growth mindset when faced with something new and challenging. Now that we are connected, the Redwoods are ready to dive into time management, rigor and community building through empathy.


In terms of time management, students will start to work on projects that have specific deadlines. We will work together to map out how to reach the deadline stress-free and confidently. In terms of rigor, students will practice working with non-numerical rubrics. The rubrics will outline expectations that teacher and students agree upon that will encourage students to strive to dig deep, stretch further and produce their very best work.

To support foundational learning, I will be discussing a home practice plan with the students that will begin in January. It will be an opportunity of empowerment  for students to decide what kind of home practice they can be doing to support their learning goals. I’m open to hearing your suggestions as well, for supporting your children’s learning experience at home. More information on this in the coming weeks.


Renee has been joining us on Wednesdays, to help us explore this idea of empathy and how it can help us grow as a community and as connected human beings. We are all unique individuals with differing experiences and points of view. Rather than shy away from and avoid these differences, it is so important that we honor and celebrate them and, yes, learn to work together knowing just how different we are. This is a skill that our students will take with them into their future work places and lives, and it is this very skill that will help them experience so much future success. In addition to this weekly class, the Redwoods and Evergreens will also be coming together to work on a community-building project in which all students will have a stake. Stay tuned for more details.


It has been my absolute pleasure to be on this journey of growth and understanding with the Redwoods and the TKG community. I am grateful to be a part of a community that focuses on the well-being of the whole child, the whole community. School is so much more than academic standards, and we are lucky to be a part of a mission that recognizes this in today’s educational climate.



Jill Vengerik, Lead Teacher
Nicolette Rodriguez, Co-Teacher
Lena Garcia, Head of Education – Teacher Mentor
Trish Valdez, School Business Manager
Shannon Minor, Board President
Facebook (private group), Community Forum
Shutterfly Site: photo archive
OFFICIAL CALENDAR: subscribe and never miss an event


  • Book Club, Friday 3.15-4.15pm. We’ll be starting a new book in January. Hope you can join us!
  • Winter Holiday begins Monday 18 Dec. See you on Jan 2nd!
  • Branches Think Tank Recap – Maker Fair. Here are the projects we will host at the Maker Fair and preliminary supply lists. Please send your donations to TKG by January 5th:
  1. Slime Making
    1. Biotru contact solution
    2. Elmer’s Glue
  2. Building Earthquake Safe Structures
    1. cardboard
    2. toothpicks
    3. cottonballs
    4. found objects like: paper clips, bottle caps, egg cartons
    5. Jello
    6. baking tins
Gift Giving – Books That Inspire Conversation
Redwood & Evergreen Class Collaborations


PT Schedule: 
MON – Rossfeld, Bottura, Assadi, Sclafani, LaCharite, Wardwell, Watanabe, Correira
TUE – Schwartz, Kang
WED – Dokmanovich
THR – Assadi, Metzger
FRI – Wardwell

PTs Needed: 
  • Mon (full day): 1/2 shifts welcome!
  • Tue/Wed/Thr/Fri (12-3pm): Acorns PT
25 Alternatives to “GOOD JOB”
Redwood Exploration


  • Tuition is PAST DUE. Please pay immediately and avoid late fees
  • New Before/After-School Care Session has started. Please sign up! January dates are now available.
  • End of Year Tax Donations. Please consider TKG as you are planning for tax write offs. One-time or monthly donations make a difference for you and us! Visit our Giving page (on our website).
SIGN UP: After-School Care




*   *   *

Americans pride themselves on their high ideals. On national holidays Americans delight in quoting phrases like “all men are created equal” and “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” The ideologies of freedom of religion, democratic government, and socio-economic mobility are ingrained in American children beginning in pre-K educational settings. While these ideologies are admired from a distance, real progress in reaching these goals is undercut by a growing national trend: anti-intellectualism.

The Why of Academic Disengagement

College students today are more academically disengaged than ever before, and this is a direct result of their K-12 classroom experiences. A UCLA survey found that college freshmen in 1997 had spent less time than any previous freshman class on homework and extracurricular activities…

Read more @TheEdvocate


Watch more TKG learning @ our YouTube channel
TKG Face Time 2017 - Dance
Feel It Still!
© 2016 This information is intended for the families and students of TKG. We love our families! 2017 The Knowing Garden, All rights reserved.

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