What is outdoor school like?

You are wondering how outdoor school works. Can children really learn outside of a classroom? Don’t they need to be at a desk? What about state standards? First, our environment is responsive to student, teacher, and family. Academic learning is guided within a context of a relationship-based environment. In just …

TKG LISTEN: You Are the Essence of Learning, Not a School or University

This article was featured in a recent newsletter to support our parent teachers in supporting our teachers in creating context: “There’s this illusion that is created in our classical education system and even at university that someone is teaching it to you. Really they’re creating a context in which you …

“From Under Our Big Tree” Newsletter: Week #3 in the 7 to 9 Class (2015)

The Knowing Garden From under our big tree… 27 September 2015 Weekly Newsletter #3 – 7 to 9 Class “Connection is the energy that is created between people when they feel seen, heard and valued, when they can give and receive without judgement.” -Brene Brown Otoño ha llegado! (fall has arrived). On the …

TKG KNOW: Redefining Rigor

    This Article, from Dangerously Irrelevant, was a community resource in one of our weekly newsletters.  At TKG, we are working on improving the educational experience not improving on the existing model.  There have been wonderful and difficult experiences along the way and we depend on the community of …

TKG KNOW: The Four Secrets of Playtime That Foster Creative Kids

PT RESOURCE: Support the Four Foundational Pillars of Play/Fast Co. When children play, design, explore, learn in at TKG – they need our support though environmental design and collaboration.  These four pieces help scaffold the constructivist learning model: open environment – An open environment is not the same as an enriched one: being open …