Artist Explorers – Weds Art Class

Come find your inspiration and joy through art in a learner-centered environment where exploration is celebrated. Open to home/flex-school students!

Eventbrite - Artist Explorers - Wednesdays

Our adventure will include: exploring key artists, learning elements of color mixing and design, and the opportunity to create a masterpiece each week. The session begins February 27th and runs 6 weeks (April 3rd is the last class). Open to students ages 6 through 9 (suggested age range) and all enrolled TKG students (up to age 12).

This class is different than most art classes because the curriculum will develop from students’ interests and curiosities. Each class will feature a lesson including a connection to art history as well as guided inspiration drawing practice. Student work will be displayed the last week of class in an Art Show and at our celebration of Learning if the student would like to exhibit.

Material costs are included in the fee. Homeschool charter funds are accepted. Allison Kringen, a former Art Zone for Kids teacher, is the facilitator. The schedule guideline is:

3:00 – Physical Play Outside

3:15-4:30 Art!

4:20 Restore

4:30 Pick up in the studio (classroom)

The art show will be on April 3rd.

Registration questions can be directed to: Learning(at)KnowingGarden(dot)Org. TKG is an approved vendor for:










If you will use vendor funds, at check out: Click OTHER PAYMENT OPTIONS and request payment by invoice. You’ll then receive an invoice from TKG to submit to your school for educational funds to be transferred to TKG.

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