LAST CHANCE Playful Parenting Workshop with Lawrence J. Cohen REGISTRATION

Wednesday, September 5th 2012, 6PM

at The Knowing Garden

Playful Parenting means joining children in their world of play, focusing on connection and confidence, giggling and roughhousing, and following your child’s lead.

Lawrence Cohen, PhD, psychologist, author, and consultant will be at The Knowing Garden for a special talk on living Playful Parenting.   He is the author of Playful Parenting, an award winning book about nurturing close connections, solving behavior problems, and encouraging children’s confidence.  In addition to his work with children and parents, he consults with schools, after school programs, and corporations, and has a general psychotherapy practice.

Along with Michael Thompson and Catherine O’Neill Grace, Dr. Cohen is the author of two books on children’s friendships, popularity, and social cruelty: Best Friends Worst Enemies and Mom They’re Teasing Me.  He is also the author of numerous articles, including a series in Nick Jr. Family Magazine that won the Golden Lamp Award from Education Press.

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