Social-Emotional – Support for You & Your Family

Social-Emotional – Support for You & Your Family

Happy Friday everyone!  How are you doing?  What’s been going well?  What hasn’t? 
Personally, I have added a few new things to my daily routine, a glass of water on my nightstand for first thing in the morning, and a new book on it for bedtime reflections and minimizing my screen time before sleep.  Both have had positive impacts on my day!  What have you modified lately?  What are the outcomes?
The books on my nightstand are “The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse” by Charlie Mackesy and I am opening it in random spots as well as reading slowly from beginning to end.  The simple illustrations are beautiful and the words are just as magical.  What are you reading or listening to these days?
I’ve been cutting down on media, but couldn’t resist watching this on how this pandemic situation can be triggering for those who have experienced trauma in the past and the advice from Dr. Bessel van der Kolk (author of The Body Keeps the Score) is really good for anyone, and I’m sure you are already doing most of them so it’s a little opportunity for a pat on the back.  Here are my cliff-notes if you don’t have 10 min to watch:
* move your body (yoga/DANCE!)
* Make a schedule/routine and include things to look forward to
* include time for yourself in a private space that is known to be just for you (like TKGs Peace Areas)
* time for creativity
*time for making noises and music together and also quiet time
Like many of you, I have been exercising more.  More than I have in several years and continue to be inspired to try new things as my body acclimates to all this moving around!  On my jog this morning I made a point to unlearn my chronic injuries and be mindful of my posture but not be afraid to keep moving. A few moments later I realized I was in the zone and not looking at the time to see if I reached my goal.  I had a zillion ideas and wasn’t struggling physically (insert happy dance)! A friend recently recommended “PE with Joe” as a fun HIIT workout for kids and even adults and I look forward to hearing what you have been trying.
A few things haven’t been working so well, namely, technology, managing all the construction noises and a toddler with lots of questions…that said I was finally able to sit down and publish a new YouTube video!
I truly hope you are doing well, both physically and emotionally.  I typically walk Scout for a nap daily around 3pm if you’d like to connect for a call and chat about anything and everything.
ps: I know many of you have been thinking about adolescences and body changes and wanted to share this resource I recently discovered.

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