TKG LISTEN: How Girls Are Developing Earlier In An Age Of ‘New Puberty’

PT RESOURCE: How Girls Are Developing Earlier In An Age Of ‘New Puberty’

This article appeared in one of our recent newsletters as a resource for our PTs to start thinking about this developmental age that our students are entering soon:

Many girls are beginning puberty at an early age, developing breasts sooner than girls of previous generations. But the physical changes don’t mean the modern girls’ emotional and intellectual development is keeping pace. Whether you are a parent to girls or boys, as a PT you’ll support them both and should start reading up on the science. This article is about the book called The New Puberty that looks at the percentage of girls who are going through early puberty, the environmental, biological and socioeconomic factors that influence when puberty begins, and whether early puberty is linked with an increased risk of breast cancer. @ NPR Health Shots

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